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Strings, Viol

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Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
CC005Suite for Two Bass ViolsBishopBB2s$10.00image
CC006Two Fantasias for Three ViolsBishopTrTBp & s$8.00image
VDGS 51APetites Sonates, Op. 66, Vol. 1BoismortierBB (CC)2 s$12.50image
VDGS 51BPetites Sonates, Op. 66, Vol. 2BoismortierBB (CC)2 s$12.50image
VDGS 53A34 Movements in 5 Suites, Op. 31, Vol. IBoismortierVdg Bcp & s$20.00image
VDGS 53B34 Movements in 5 Suites, Op. 31, Vol. 2BoismortierVdg Bcp & s$17.50image
LPM EMLV3502 canzoni da sonar, verion for violsBottaccioTrTrTB4s$5.25image
VC032Brahms for Viols?Brahms3-6ip & s$32.00image
PT002The Teddy Bear's Picnic / Funeral March for a MarionetteBratton/GounodTrTrTBBp & s$10.00image
VC078Six Fantasias for Four ViolsBrewer4 ip & s$30.00image
VC004Chromatic Hexachord FantasyBullTrT(Tr)BBp & s$10.00image
JB 1Fantasia of Three Parts, Fantasia of Four Parts, In Nomine of Five PartsBull3-5 Vdgp & s$11.00image
CMP 401Three Dorick Fantasias for Viols (or recorders)BullTrTr(T)TB (SATB)p $12.00image
LPM EMLV1745 French Songs, Version for ViolsBusnois3i(3vo)3s$8.50image
IRCS 5ARicercari a Quattro VociBuusTrTrTBp & s$25.75image
ANT 20Sonata in D MajorBuxtehudeVdg Hp & s$13.95image
WB 5Five Part Consort MusicByrdTrTrTBBp & s$36.00image
WB 4Four Part Consort MusicByrdTrTTBp & s$27.00image
WB 6Six Part Consort MusicByrdTrTrTTBBp & s$38.00image
LPM EMLV354Susanna Fair, Version for ViolsByrdTrTB3s$5.25image
LPM EML 216The Consort Music for 3 InstrumentsByrd3i3s$7.00image
WB 3Three Part Consort Music, Barless versionByrdTrTBp & s$16.00image
CMP 446Nouveautes de CaixCaix d'HerveloisVdg Bcp & s$11.00image
VDGS 65ATen Sonatas, Vol. ICaroloCC (BB) Bc3p & s$15.00image
VDGS 65BTen Sonatas, Vol. IICaroloCC (BB) Bc3p & s$15.00image
VDGS 65CTen Sonatas, Vol. IIICaroloCC (BB) Bcp & s$15.00image
VDGS 65DTen Sonatas, Vol. IVCaroloCC (BB) Bcp & s$15.00image
VDGS 65ETen Sonatas, Vol. VCaroloCC (BB) Bcp & s$15.00image
GP 1Mr. Carolo, 10 Sonatas for 2 bass viols and Bc, Joy Dobson CalligraphyCarolo (Rogers)BB Bc2p$42.00image
LPM EML 1683 FantasiesCaurroy3i3s$6.00image
LPM EMLV2232 Canzoni da sonar, Version for ViolsCima, A.TrTrTB4s$5.25image
LPM EMLV1623 Chansons, Version for ViolsCompereTrTB3s$5.00image
JC 4Fantasias of Four PartsCoprarioTrTTBp & s$22.00image
JC 3Seven Fantasias of Three PartsCoprarioTrTBp & s$20.00image
JC 2ASix Fantasias for Treble and Tenor Viol, Barless VersionCoprarioTrTp & s$10.00image
VDGS 6Twelve FanciesCoprarioBB Organp & s$18.00image
EBA21072 Sonaten, für 2 Viole da gamba und Bc, oder 3 Viole da gambaCorbettTTB Bcp & s$29.95image
G 388Les delices de la solitude, Six Sonatas for Vdg and Bc, I-IIICorretteVdg Bcp & s$27.00image
UHS1002 Concerts a deux ViolesCouperinBBs$17.00image
VC027Six Fantasias for Six ViolsCranfordTrTrTTBBp & s$28.00image
CMP 459Sonate l'Inconnuede la BarreVdg Bcp & s$9.00image
LPM EMLV1194 Rondeaux, Version for violsde la HalleTrTT3s$5.00image
VDGS 4Suites 1-8de MachyBs$9.00image
MSM201Two Six-Part Madrigalsde Monte & da Rore(Connelly)TT(BB)BBBBp & s$25.00image
LPM GM 2Fifteen Dances, (1601) German and Polish DancesDemantiusTrTrTTBp & s$15.00image
VC024Six Fantasias for Six ViolsDeringTrTrTTBBp & s$27.00image
VC012Two In NominesDeringTrTrTTBBp & s$12.00image
VDGS 64Premiere Suite Op. 2DolleVdg Bcp & s$22.95image
G362Das Krakauer Manuskript Heft 1DubuissonBs$20.00image
G363Das Krakauer Manuskript Heft 2DubuissonBs$20.00image
G364Das Krakauer Manuskript Heft 3DubuissonBs$20.00image
VDGS 8Four SuitesDuBuissonVdgs$8.00image
VDGS 49AThirteen Suites Vol. IDubuissonVdgp$10.00image
VDGS 49BThirteen Suites Vol. IIDubuissonVdgp$11.50image
LPM EMLV1914 Italian Songs, Version for ViolsDufayTrTT3s$7.50image
VDGS 39The Symphonias, Pavanes and AllemandesDuMontTrTrTB Bcp & s$11.25image
VDGS 43Ayerie FanciesEastTrTrTBp & s$15.00image
LPM TM 64Nine Pieces (the Fift Set of Bookes)East3i3s$9.50image
VDGS 50Two Part Fancies, or DuosEastBBp & s$14.00image
LPM 548Susanna FairFarnabyTrTrTB (4vo)6p & s$7.00image
CMP 426The Hexachord Fantasies in 4 and 5 partsFerrabosco IITrTTB, TrTrTTBp $21.00image
CMP 410-412The Six Part Works, Fantasias 1-10, Almandes 1 Ferrabosco IITrTrTTBBp$33.00image
LPM EML 3532 Contrapunti sopra il canto fermo (La Spagna)Festa, C.3i3s$5.50image
EW 455Curiosa and IntradaFingerBBp & s$23.00image
EW 542PastoralleFingerVdgVdg2s$20.00image
EW 386Pastoralle uber Resonet in laudibusFingerBBB Bcp & s$19.00image
EW 611Sonata 2 Ariosa, Sonata Furiosa secondaFingerBB2s$23.00image
G335Sonata 3FingerVdgVdg Bcp & s$26.75image
EW 531Sonata 7 Grandoena in d, Sonata 8 Jucunda in AFingerBB2s$22.00image
G339Sonata AmoenaFingerVdgVdg Bcp & s$26.00image
VDGS 18SonatinaFingerBBp & s$5.00image
EW 493Suite in G and Sonata 4 in aFingerBB2s$22.00image
G341Suite No 7FingerVdgVdg Bcp & s$26.00image
VDGS 24Suites (E minor & D Major)FingerBBp & s$8.00image
OM530Three sonatas & a Suite for two Bass ViolsFinger, PaisibleBB2s$26.00image
OM529Three sonatas & a Suite for two Tenor ViolsFinger, PaisibleTT2s$26.00image
OM528Three sonatas & a Suite for two Treble ViolsFinger, PaisibleTrTr2s$26.00image
LPM EMLV275Five Pieces, from Trium Vocum Carmina, Version for ViolsFormschneyderTrTB3s$7.50image
M135Pieces de viole avec la Basse Continue, Livre IForquerayVdg Bcp & s$32.00image
IRCS 23ACanzoni à Due Bassi, Vol. 1FrescobaldiBB Organp & s$8.00image
IRCS 23BCanzoni à Due Bassi, Vol. 2FrescobaldiBB Organp & s$8.00image
FUX004Canon a 2 viole di Gamba in G minor, revisedFuxVdgVdg Bcp & s$16.00image
LPM EMLV365Chi'nde dara la bose, Version for ViolsGabrieli, A.TTB3s$5.50image
UHS 72Works for Viol, from Regola Ruberina and Lettione SecondaGanassiVdgs$17.00image
SARGANASSIRegola Rubertina and Lettione SecondaGanassi (Bodig)Vdgs$32.00image
LPM EMLV243O come e gran martire, Version for ViolsGesualdoTrTrTTB5s$6.00image
OG 3GBFantasia of Three Parts for Treble, Bass, and Great BassGibbonsTrBGbp & s$25.00image
OG 5In Nomines and Pavan of Five PartsGibbonsTrTrTT(B)Bp & s$27.00image
N4081Six Fancies for Two Treble InstrumentsGibbonsTrTrs$8.00image
OG 2Six Fantasias for Two TreblesGibbonsTrTrp & s$15.00image
OG 6Six-Part Consort MusicGibbonsTrTrTTBBp & s$40.00image
LPM EMLV34711 pieces from the Glogauer Liederbuch, Version for ViolsGlogauer LiederbuchTrTB3s$7.50image
VDGS 2Twelve AirsGortonBB(CC)2s$9.00image
G225Sonate C Major, GraunWV A:XVII:1GraunVdg Bcp & s $29.00image
EBA2135Fantasie Con le Partitte à 2 Violadagambe, vier Suiten für zwei BassgambenGreckeBBp & s$25.00image
VDGS 42Two Suites (D Major & E Major)GreckeBBp & s$12.50image
G233Chelys, 12 Suites, Heft 1: Suiten I-IIIHacquartVdg Bcp & s$30.00image
G234Chelys, 12 Suites, Heft 2: Suiten IV-VIHacquartVdg Bcp & s$32.00image
G235Chelys, 12 Suites, Heft 3: Suiten VII-IXHacquartVdg Bcp & s$32.00image
G236Chelys, 12 Suites, Heft 4: Suiten X-XIIHacquartVdg Bcp & s$32.00image
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