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Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
XYZ1114Der Fluyten Lust-hof, Vol. I, A Selection for Alto RecorderEyck (Wind)As$12.99image
DO4 466Top Fourteen, Recital Etudes for RecorderFortinSn/S/A/T/Bs$30.00image
MK2557Schtei (modern technique)GasserTs$8.00image
MEM 1213City of Smile I, 5 SolosGeysenS/T/As$15.00image
MEM 1214City of Smile II, 5 SolosGeysenA/T/B/Sns$15.00image
AMP 345Kleine Vegetatie, SoloGeysenAs$8.00image
MK1520Breviarium (modern technique)GieselerA (F)s$8.00image
ED10442The Bird Fancyer's DelightGodmanSns$13.99image
ED10647Grieg AlbumGriegSs$12.95image
G4562BQuatre Chants Folkloriques du YunanGuanrenSs$10.00image
MK2512Notturno for Bass, tape player and 2 gongsGumbelB percs$9.00image
P552One on the Cool Side, Four Jazzy Solos for Alto RecorderHallAs$5.50image
P710Sue at the Zoo, Five jazzy solos for soprano or tenor recorderHallS(T)s$10.25image
FHC70Five Caprices for Solo RecorderHandATSnBSs$10.00image
MK 566/567Arias from Operas arranged by Peter PrelleurHandelAs$7.50image
PF 131Synopsis MusicaeHartAs$15.00image
MK1549Gesten for recorders and tape(modern technique)Hashagenrs$8.00image
MK 6933 Petites PiecesHeberleSs$5.00image
DOL 508FantasiaHeberleSs$6.00image
DOL 507SonataHeberleSs$6.00image
11.212.00Sonate brillante für SopranblockflöteHeberleSs$8.50image
MK 635XIII LanderHeberleSs$5.00image
MK1585Drei Personliche Empfehlungen ( modern technique)HeiderAs$9.00image
MK1548Katalog (modern technique)HeiderSnSABs$14.00image
N4521Solo Album, variations and SonatasHerrmannAs$24.00image
GB4618L'Art de Preluder, FacsimileHotteterre A, Fs$55.00image
DOL 502Preludes & TraitsHotteterreAs$10.00image
OFB 12648 PreludesHotteterre (Doflein/Delius)As$19.95image
N2199A Vade MecumHudgebutAs$11.50image
ZR 143Black Intention (modern technique)IshiiS gongs$21.00image
MK1553Voetnoot 1 for Soprano recorder or PiccoloJanessenSs$8.00image
MK1595KlangRede (modern technique)Kawakami1 rec, perc.s$8.00image
MEM 1100Rokudan no shirabeKengyoTs$18.00image
LMP 6418 Studies, op. 1KrahmerAs$7.75image
MK113140 Progressive Exercises, Op. 1KrahmerSs$17.00image
DOL 51150 Studies, (Csakan-Schule, Op. 31)KrahmerSs$12.00image
DOL 510Fantasia, Op. 31KrahmerSs$5.50image
DOL 210Original Potpourri, Op. 3KrahmerSs$6.00image
DOL 206Souvenir a la SuisseKrahmerSs$6.25image
SP 2328Twelve Divertimenti for Solo CzakanKrahmerAs$5.00image
DOL 215Two Original Themes with Variations, from Op. 24KrahmerSs$5.75image
PBE 45Eliyahu Ha-Navi, Divisions and Tango on a Jewish ThemeKrainisAs$8.95image
N2399Dances for Alto, from the New and Curious Theatre Dance School, 1716LambranziAs$20.50image
MK2558Echo des Schweigens, 8 Miniaturen (modern technique)LechnerSs$8.00image
MK1526Footprints in the Sand (modern technique)LechnerS(T)s$8.00image
MK2508Varianti for Tenor Recorder (modern technique)LechnerTs$12.00image
MK2546Vom andern Stern, From another Star, 20 epigrams (modern technique)LechnerSs$10.00image
MK2809Big BaboonLeenhoutsTs$12.00image
AMP 130DaidoLeenhoutsA(B)p & s$22.00image
OFB 133Amarilli mia bella Hommage to van Eyck (1973)LindeS(A,B)s$14.95image
ED 8250Basel Recorder Book (modern technique) LindeS/A/T/Bs$23.00image
1.2404Four CapricesLindeAs$2.80image
OFB 48Music for a BirdLindeAs$17.99image
OFB 156Recorder Virtuoso Solo Pieces (1983)(modern technique)LindeAs$8.95image
OFB 165Una Folia nuova (modern technique) LindeAs$10.95image
G21.008Circus in TownLischkaAs$17.00image
MK 559Waldeinsamkeit LolkesAs$5.50image
MK 469Flauto Solo, Three Little SuitesMaaszS (T)s$2.00image
LMP 183Trois Lais MonophoniqueMachautvo Is$8.25image
PRM 415too much information a solo for tenor recorderMackieTs$9.75image
MK 550Improvvisazione per Flauto SoloMatuszczakSs$2.50image
BP08126 Soli per FlautoMauteAs$20.00image
ASC 344How I Love You, Sweet Folia!MauteTs$8.50image
MEM 1054La Finette, Le DanseurMauteA(B)s$15.00image
ASC 343La Petite EtudeMauteB(T)s$8.25image
MEM 1058More Turtle TunesMauteS(T)s$18.00image
11.609/00Sechs Fantasien für SopranblockflöteMauteSs$12.00image
MEM 1053Turtle TunesMauteS(T)s$18.00image
PAR 103Airs de Danse, Nouvelle Method pour Apprende la Musique (1709), optional BcMonteclair (Robinson)As$14.50image
MK1602Sisyphos (modern technique)Muller-HornbachAs$8.00image
MK 484Seven PhasesNobisAs$2.50image
9780571510047Play Country Dances, Graded tunes for Recorder from The Dancing MasterPlayford (Bonsor)S (T)s$10.99image
MK1578Memoria (modern technique)PolacchiAs$10.00image
PAN 265The Modern Musick-Master, London 1731,Vol. 2PrelleurS(T)s$7.20image
DOL 513Solos from the Giedde CollectionQuantzAs$8.00image
OFB 204Fantasien und CapricenQuantz (Heyens)As$21.99image
ED12148Caprices and FantasiasQuantz (Zweers)As$16.95image
OFB 180MeditationenRegnerAs$15.99image
MK1594Fiddlesticks, Op. 2Roberts-James1 recs$15.00image
MK 730Variations on DaphneRoberts-JamesA(S)s$7.00image
FEA032Rumba (modern technique)RondonAs$8.00image
11.601Bass BurnerRoseBA gongs$11.00image
UE 30214I'd Rather be in PhiladelphiaRoseAs$16.95image
N2583The Bird and the DonkeyRoseS/As$12.00image
11.608/00This and ThatRoseS(Sn)s$10.50image
FEB004JazzySchulyS (G)s$13.50image
RS 9Recorder Studies 9ShannonAs$10.00image
SIEG055Ukuvalelisa, Ten Miniatures for recorder soloSiegA Ts$20.50image
OFB 95Virtuose SuiteStaepsA(F)s$16.95image
MK1544Ave Maria Zart, Op. 54 (modern technique)SteffensSs$5.00image
LMP 123Six GalopsStrauss, Sr.; JohannA(F)s$4.95image
NM2617Austro (1991)TeddeAs$22.00image
NM2618Ripartita (1992)TeddeAs$18.00image
BP 42512 Fantasien TWV 40:2-13 transposedTelemannAs$17.00image
G12.027Four Fantasien arranged after the Fantasies for Violin, TWV 40:20-23TelemannAs$16.00image
G 12.04912 Fantasias arranged after the fantasias for Viola da Gamba solo TWV 40:26-37TelemannAs$30.00image
BA06440Twelve Fantasias according to TWV 40:2-13Telemann (Harras)As$19.00image
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