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Viewing 101 to 139 of 139 items found   Previous page
Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
HARA 55Symphony, Ode for Queen Mary's BirthdayPurcellSnSATBGbp & s$11.00image
P 496A Scottish Linsey-WoolseyRunswickSATBGbCbp & s$16.00image
LPM GM 13Canzon a 6Schein6ip & s$10.25image
LPM EML 3342 LiederSenfl6i(6vo)6s$7.00image
LPM 563Ave MariaSenfl6 vo 6 ip $11.00image
GSM1014Dody's OatsShannonSnSATTBp & s$8.00image
GSM1031Raclette for TTTBBBShannonTTTBBBp & s$15.00image
SIEG016Celebration for 6 recordersSiegSAATTBp & s$31.00image
LPM 513Nasce la Pena MiaStriggio6vo, 6i10p & s$6.50image
LPM EM 15QuemadmodumTaverner6ip & s$8.25image
PP 131Music DivineTomkinsSSATTBp & s$11.00image
LPM 525Music DivineTomkins6vo, 6i8p & s$8.00image
LPM 542When I ObserveTomkinsSSTTTB (6vo)9p & s$6.00image
CRCS 355Christmas Concerto, Op. 8, No. 6Torelli (Ayre)AAAATBp & s$18.00image
LPM 565Adoramus TeTrombetti6 vo, 6i (SAATBB)p & s$6.00image
LPM 534Da PacemTrombettiSSATTB8p & s$6.00image
LPM TM 53Six CanzonetteVecchi6i(6vo)6s$13.50image
LPM 515Ave Sanctissima MariaVerdelot(?)6vo, 6i10p & s$6.50image
DOL 328Sinfonia a Sei (1684)VitaliSSA(S)T(A)TBp & s$5.75image
LPM 539Come Sable NightWardSSATTB(6vo)8p & s$7.50image
LPM 536Out from the ValeWardSSATBB7p & s$7.00image
LPM 540Retire, My Troubled SoulWardSSATTB(6vo)8p & s$6.00image
LPM 532As Vesta was DescendingWeelkesSSATTB(6vo)p & s$8.25image
LPM 533Cease now DelightWeelkesAATTBB(6vo)p & s$7.00image
LPM EML 2792 PavansWhite6i6s$7.00image
LPM 512Draw on Sweet NightWilbye6v(SSATTB)p & s$5.50image
ED11581Fantasia a 6WilbyeSSAATBp & s$12.99image
LPM 510O Wretched ManWilbye6v(SSATTB)p & s$7.00image
LPM 544Softly, O Softly Drop My EyesWilbyeSSATTB (6vo)8p & s$7.00image
LPM 531The Lady OrianaWilbyeSSATTB(6vo)p & s$5.75image
LPM 520Douleur Me BatWillaert6vo, 6i9p & s$7.00image
LPM 559En Douleur and TristesseWillaert6vo, 6i10p & s$6.00image
LPM 521Petite CamusetteWillaert6vo, 6i8p & s$6.00image
MTC 39FiddlesixWilsonSSATBBp & s$5.50image
PEL 2032IntradenAltenburgSSATTB(TrTB)s$28.75n/aOut of stock
VC036Three Fantasias of Six Parts, No. 7-9Gibbons6ip & s$18.00imageOut of stock
ED11814Fanfare for a FestivalHand, C.SSATTB(VVVaVaVaC)p & s$12.95imageOut of stock
LP SRS 1bVersa est in luctumLoboAATBBBp & s$10.00n/aOut of stock
CME 20-108Menuetto Allegretto from Serenade No. 10 Grand Partita K 361Mozart (Chaudoir)SAATTBp & s$8.00imageOut of stock
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