Item Number | Title | Composer | Instrumentation | Parts | Price | See It | Buy It |
PP 112 | Early English Keyboard Music | (Bloodworth) | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $24.25 |  | |
P440 | Scottish Border Suite | (Hall) | SA(Sn)TBGbCb | p & s | $15.00 |  | |
P 535 | The Fitzwilliam Collection, 6 pieces from Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (easy) | (Hooker) | SATBGbCb | p & s | $15.00 |  | |
CVP 24A | The Angel Gabriel | (Lindvall) | SSAATBGbCb (SSAATTBB) | p & s | $20.00 |  | |
MHE10122 | Hungarian Peasant Songs, Set 1, based on Bartok | (Marshall) | SAATTBGbCb | p & s | $22.00 | n/a | |
MK3331 | Prelude and Fugue in C major, from Acht kleine Praeludien und Fugen | (Rosin) | SATBGbCb | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
P 559 | A Piece of Cheese | Alexander | SSAATTBGbCb | p & s | $22.50 |  | |
P 536 | March Knight Templar | Allan | SnSATBGbCbSb | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
P860 | A Christmas Festival | Anderson (Minns) | G(Sn)SATTBGbCb | p & s | $27.00 |  | |
MK3332 | Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Chorale from Cantata BWV 147 | Bach (Rosin) | SATTBBGbCb | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
CRCS 318 | Brandenburg Concerto 2, Part 2, Parts and score | Bach, J. S. (Ayre) | SATT, ATTBGb | p & s | $21.00 |  | |
ALEX 317A | Brandenburg Concerto 2, Part I parts | Bach, J. S. (Ayre) | SnATT, ATTBGb | s | $10.00 | n/a | |
ALEX 317 | Brandenburg Concerto 2, Part I score | Bach, J. S. (Ayre) | SnATT, ATTBGb | s | $5.00 | n/a | |
ECS2080 | Dance Suite from the Brandenburg Concerto No. 1, Three songs | Bach, J. S. (Belden) | SAATTBB, AAB, AATB | s | $5.30 |  | |
MK3351 | Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 | Bach, J. S. (Spanhove) | ATBGb ATBGbCb | p & s | $37.00 |  | |
MK3334 | 3 Chorale Preludes and Chorales, BWV 727, BWV 610, BWV 601 | Bach, J. S. (Spanhove) | SATTBBGbCb | 9p & s | $30.00 |  | |
FEM029 | 7 Rumanische Volkstanze | Bartok | SnSATTBCb,SATTB, SnSSAATTBBSb | p & s | $32.00 |  | |
MK3343 | El Sol y La Luna, Andalusian Folksong | Beutler | SSAATTBBGbCb tamb | p & s | $36.00 |  | |
MK3352 | Evening Rise, Native American Song | Beutler | SAATTTBBGbCb | 11p & s | $37.00 |  | |
MK3312 | La Gondoletta | Beutler | SnSAATB(CB) | p & s | $34.95 |  | |
MK3348 | Marche des Rois | Beutler | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $30.00 |  | |
MK3315 | Nachtschwarmerei after the Spanish Folksong Rondar que te rondaria | Beutler | SnSAATBBGbSb glock | p & s | $24.00 |  | |
MK3346 | Seemannsgarn | Beutler | SSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $29.00 |  | |
MK3319 | Carmen- Entr'acte II | Bizet (Steinhofel) | SATB5Gb3Cb Harp | p & s | $30.00 |  | |
LIT028 | Sans Issue, Orchestra parts | Blaker | S(Sn)SAATTTrTnVdgPf | p & s | $20.00 |  | |
LIT027 | Sans Issue, Quartet version | Blaker | S(Sn)AT BV | p & s | $22.00 |  | |
LIT001 | Yaquina River | Blaker | SAATB Vdg(C) | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
BON-BP602 | A Wheen o' Whustles | Bonsor | GSnSSSSATBGbCb | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
P655 | Hebridean Suite, Mairi's Wedding, Morag's Cradle Song, Ho-ree Ho-ro | Bonsor | SAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $22.00 |  | |
BON601 | The 17ths Farewell to Alva | Bonsor | SA(Sn)TBGbCb | p & s | $13.25 |  | |
CVP 41 | Simple Gifts setting for Recorder Orchestra | Brackett (Lindvall) | SATBGbCb (Si) | p & s | $20.00 |  | |
MK3339 | Hungarian Dance No. 5 | Brahms, (Meer & Deckmyn) | SnSATTBBBGbCb | 11p & s | $30.00 |  | |
P 458 | Musique des Automates from Coppelia Suite | Delibes (Minns) | SnSnSATTBGb(Cb) | p & s | $11.00 |  | |
P 438 | Air and Dance (1915) | Delius (Martin) | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $15.00 |  | |
HARO 1 | Sleigh Ride | Delius (Ring) | SnSSAAATTTBGbCb perc | p & s | $25.95 |  | |
MK3337 | Salut d'amour | Elgar (Beutler) | SAATBBGbCb | 9p & s | $26.00 |  | |
P 238 | Chanson de Matin | Elgar (Bloodworth) | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $16.00 |  | |
P193 | Nimrod | Elgar (Bloodworth) | AATTTBBBGbCb | p & s | $15.50 |  | |
PP 93 | The Lord Zouche's Maske | Farnaby | SnSSAATTBBBGbCb | p & s | $11.00 |  | |
PRM 246 | Overture The Late Arrivals (An Antidote to Haydn's Farewell Symphony) rev. 2001 | Farquhar | SnSSAATTBGbCb | p & s | $26.95 |  | |
P 164 | Sami Suomi Suite | Farquhar | SnSSAATTBBGbCb perc | p & s | $45.00 |  | |
AP 156A | Pavane | Fauré | SnSSAAATTBGbCb | p & s | $24.95 |  | |
MK2137 | Lambsborner Nusse, score | Fortin | SSATBGb | s | $20.00 |  | |
P 444 | Entry of the Gladiators, Op. 68 | Fucik (Brown) | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $20.00 |  | |
P 492 | Florentiner March | Fucik (Brown) | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $25.00 |  | |
MK2814 | Force 12 | Garcia (Leenhouts) | AATTB,SnSAA,TTBB | p & s | $36.00 |  | |
MK2812 | In the Mood | Garland/Razaf (Leenhouts) | AAATT+SnSSAA+BBGbGb | p & s | $55.00 |  | |
MK3320 | Summertime from Porgy and Bess | Gershwin | SATBGbCb | p & s | $25.50 |  | |
SMM210 | Rhapsody in Blue, 'S Wonderful, I Got Rhythm | Gershwin (Feldon) | SSAATTBB | p & s | $10.00 |  | |
MK3341 | Two Songs, I Got Rhythm, Somebody Loves Me | Gershwin (Rosin) | SnSATTBGbCb | 9p & s | $30.00 |  | |
PP 125 | Isaiah 2:2-5 | Goldstein | SnSATBGbCb | s | $3.50 |  | |
P820 | Gaucho-Corta-Jaca | Gonzaga (Brown) | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $19.00 |  | |
P821 | O Abre Alas | Gonzaga (Brown) | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $27.00 |  | |
P606 | Souvenir de Porto Rico | Gottschalk (Talbott) | SATTTBBBGbCb | p & s | $21.00 |  | |
P 698 | Country Gardens | Grainger (Talbott) | SnSATBGbCb | p & s | $16.00 |  | |
PP 154 | Through the Seasons, with Persephone | Green | 2Sn,5S,3A,5T,3B,GbCb | p & s | $35.75 |  | |
PP 160 | Hjertesår, Elegiac Melody No. 1 | Grieg | SnSAAATTTBGbCb | p & s | $8.50 |  | |
PP 161 | Jeg Elsker Dig | Grieg | AAATTBGbCb | p & s | $6.00 |  | |
PP 150 | Våren, Elegiac Melody No. 2 | Grieg | SnSAAATTBGbCb | p & s | $13.50 |  | |
PP147 | Ave Maris Stella | Grieg (Luff) | SAATTBGb | p & s | $11.00 |  | |
MK3324 | Peer Gynt Suite No. I, op. 46 | Grieg (Michatz) | 2SnSSAA4TBGbCb | p & s | $57.00 |  | |
P 586 | Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, I Morning Mood | Grieg (Talbott) | SnSSATBGbCb | p & s | $17.00 |  | |
P 587 | Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, II The Death of Ase | Grieg (Talbott) | SATBBGbCb | p & s | $10.00 |  | |
P 588 | Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, III Anitra's Dance | Grieg (Talbott) | SATBGbCb, triangle | p & s | $17.00 |  | |
P 589 | Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, IV In the Hall of the Mountain King | Grieg (Talbott) | SnSATBGbCb | p & s | $17.00 |  | |
P 439 | Caprice for Recorder Orchestra | Hall | SAATTBGbCb | p & s | $19.50 |  | |
P395 | Four Irish Airs for Easy Recorder Orchestra | Hall | SATBGbCb | p & s | $17.00 |  | |
P 675 | Lyme Suite | Hall | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $45.00 |  | |
P812 | Three Sketches of Scotland | Hall | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $22.00 |  | |
MK3336 | Two Arias, Lascia ch'io pianga, Ombra mai fu | Handel | SATBGbCb/SATBCb | p & s | $25.00 |  | |
MK3356 | Chaconne in C, Theme and 11 Variations, HWV 443 and 484 | Handel (Beutler) | SnS2A2TBGbCb | p & s | $36.00 |  | |
BOE3932 | Music for the Royal Fireworks, Ouverture and Allegro | Handel (Rosenstengel) | SATB, SATB Perc | p & s | $15.95 |  | |
MK3313 | Sarabande from Suite No. 4 in D minor HWV 437 | Handel (Rosin) | SnSATBGbCb | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
MK3350 | Pifa, Prelude | Handel, Charpentier (Rosin) | SATBGbSb | p & s | $28.00 |  | |
P671 | The Marmalade Cat, for Recorder Big Band | Haverkate | SAAAATTTBB B | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
P596 | Tavernspite | Hilling | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $13.50 |  | |
P 501 | The Brington Crystal | Hilling | SnSSAAAATTTBBBBGbCb | p & s | $32.00 |  | |
AP 192A | First Suite for Military Band (1909) | Holst (Davis) | SnSSAATTTBGbCb | p & s | $24.95 |  | |
AP 119A | Second Suite in F for Military Band | Holst (Davis) | SnSSAAATTBGbCb | 22p & s | $24.95 |  | |
MK3327 | Abendsegen from Hansel und Gretel | Humperdinck (Beutler) | SSAAAATTTBBBBGbCb | p & s | $26.00 |  | |
MK3333 | Two Waltzes, Bink's Waltz and Pleasant Moments | Joplin (Beutler) | SnSATBGbSb | p & s | $30.00 |  | |
P 547 | Spainsche Lustspiel Overture | Keler (Brown) | SnSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $29.00 |  | |
MK3302 | Canzon La Negrona | Lappi | SSST SATGb | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
MK3307 | Ixi-Mixi-Dixi | Leenhouts | SAAATTBB | p & s | $34.95 |  | |
MK3303 | Juego de Galilei | Leenhouts | 4Sn4A4B2cB bG | p & s | $45.00 |  | |
HARB 41 | A Staffordshire Ramble | Lewin, A. | SAATTBGbCb | p & s | $16.00 |  | |
HARB 04 | Midsummer Morris | Lewin, A. | SSAATTB | p & s | $14.00 |  | |
HACO 07 | The Ladies of the Vale | Lewin, A. | SSAATTB | p & s | $11.00 |  | |
HARO 5 | Twixt Trent and Severn, Glimpses of South Staffordshire | Lewin, A. | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
PP 86 | Six Russian Folksongs | Liadov | SSAAATTBCb | p & s | $22.00 |  | |
MK3316 | Marche pour la Ceremonie des Turcs | Lully (Rosin) | SnSSATBGbCb perc | p & s | $23.00 |  | |
HARO 6 | Wolf Suite | Manning | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
MHE 10905A | A Celtic Cluster | Marshall | SnSAATTBGbCb | p & s | $28.00 |  | |
MHE 21104 | Folk Song Suite | Marshall | SnSSAATTBBGbCb | p & s | $29.00 |  | |
MHE40905 | Concerto Grosso for Recorder Trio and Recorder Orchestra | Marshall, S. | TTB, SAATTB | p & s | $32.00 |  | |
MHE11022 | Four Warwickshire Portraits | Marshall, S. | SATTBGbCb | p & s | $36.00 |  | |
MHE40204 | The Wind in the Pine Tree, for narrator and recorder orchestra | Marshall, S. | SnSSAATTBBGbCb, vo | p & s | $18.00 |  | |
P480 | A Sea in the Pond | Maute | TTBBBBGbGbCbCb | p & s | $24.50 |  | |
JR 26 | Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream, abridged | Mendelssohn | SnSSAATTBGb | p & s | $24.95 |  | |
MK3305 | Andante from Symphony No. 4 (Italian) | Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Michatz) | SSAAATTBGbCb | p & s | $29.00 |  | |