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Recorder & Keyboard

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Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
DOL 403Solos in SwingBatemanS Pfp & s$9.50image
TR 27Suites Op. 1, Nos. 4 and 6BatonA(F,O)Bcp & s$9.25image
MK2009Suite No. 2 for alto recorder, first editionBauerA Bcp & s$7.00image
MK2031SonatineBeckerathA Pfp & s$8.00image
UE 18744Sonata D minor, Op. 3/12 Variations on La FoliaBellinzaniA Bcp & s$24.95image
BP0991Twelve Sonatas for Alto recorder and Bc,Op. 3 No. 1-3BellinzaniA Bcp & s$24.00image
BP0992Twelve Sonatas for Alto recorder and Bc, Op. 3 No. 4-6BellinzaniA Bcp & s$24.00image
BP0993Twelve Sonatas for Alto recorder and Bc,Op. 3 No. 7-9BellinzaniA Bcp & s$24.00image
BP0994Twelve Sonatas for Alto recorder and Bc,Op. 3 No. 10-12BellinzaniA Bcp & s$30.00image
OFB 2SonateBenderA Pfp & s$9.95image
OFB 1040Sonatina for Treble Recorder and PianoBerkeleyA Pfp & s$15.99image
ED12262Six Sonatas from Opus 1, Vol. 1, no. 3, 4, and 9BigagliaA Bcp & s$27.99image
MK1143Sonata F majorBigagliaA Bcp & s$18.00image
OFB 3Sonate a-MollBigagliaS Bcp & s$14.99image
OFB 4Sonate g minorBigagliaA Bcp & s$12.95image
MK1110Sonata for Alto Recorder and BcBigiA Bcp & s$16.00image
DOL 203Menuet with VariationsBlavetS Bcp & s$7.00image
B064Sonates Melees de Pieces, Oeuvre II, Transcribed for Alto RecorderBlavet (Bakar)A Bcp & s$33.00image
MEM 20062 Suiten BlockwitzA Bcp & s$20.00image
OFB 72 Sonatas for alto and Bc, C major and G major, from Op. 27BoismortierA Bcp & s$14.95image
DOL 265Dances from Don Quichotte chez la DuchesseBoismortierS Bcp & s$6.00image
BP2717Sechs Suiten Op. 35/ 1-3BoismortierA Bcp & s$26.50image
BP2718Sechs Suiten Op. 35/ 4-6BoismortierA Bcp & s$26.50image
ST 12346Five Concert Pieces from Enjoy the RecorderBonsorA Pfp & s$10.95image
ED12345Six Concert Pieces from Enjoy the RecorderBonsorS Pfp & s$16.95image
UE 19364Jazzy Recorder 2BonsorS Pfp & s$20.50image
G12.052Air Varie sur MalboroughBousquetA Pfp & s$22.00image
MK1530Nachtstucke (modern technique)Braunr (SnSATB) Pfp & s$14.00image
BA 1594Sonatine Op. 18/2 for soprano recorder and keyboardBresgenS Pfp & s$17.00image
OFB 1723 Sonatas of the German BaroqueBronnemüller, Finger, PetzA(F)Bcp & s$25.00image
FBA01RecipesBullardS Pf(G)p & s$21.00image
SPBLA123Three in One, CD Acc. for SP 2302, SP 2354, and SP 2361BurakoffSCD$12.95image
MK 593/594Three Pieces after European folk tunesBurthelS Pfs$5.00image
ED10016Suite G Major, Op. 6/3, Prelude, La Christine, Sarabande, La Tubeuf Caix d'HerveloisS Pfp & s$14.95image
MK2514Suite G-Dur, Op. 6, No.3Caix d'HerveloisS Bcp & s$24.00image
MK2534Suite in C major, Op. 6, No. 4 Caix d'HerveloisA(F) Bcp & s$17.00image
FEA017Doruzu (Dolls) Marginalia Nr. 28CaldiniA Pfp & s$17.00image
OMB 54Music by CarolanCarolanS(A) Bcp & s$11.95image
OFB 15Divisions upon an Italian GroundCarrA(S)Bcp & s$9.95image
UE 19931Two Sonatas for Treble RecorderCastrucciA Bcp & s$19.95image
PBE 28Traditional Irish DancesCharltonS Pfp & s$5.95image
MK 580Cinquieme PantomimeChedevilleA Bcs$3.50image
BP0680Zwei Sonaten und CapriccioCima, G. & Cima, A.S(V) Bcp & s$16.50image
SP 2302Big Ben for Soprano Recorder and Piano, 8 Easy Pentatonic PiecesClarkS Pfp & s$3.95image
CLA001First steps in the limelight, Ten short pieces for young soloistsClarkS Pfp & s$12.50image
LMP 134Six PiecesClarkeS Bcp & s$5.50image
N409512 Sonatas, Opus 5, Vol. V, No. 9-10CorelliA Bcp & s$20.00image
N409612 Sonatas, Opus 5, Vol. VI, No. 11-12CorelliA Bcp & s$15.00image
BP28416 Sonatas for Alto and Bc, Op. 5, second partCorelliA Bcp & s$48.00image
ED 3757Eleven Pieces for Treble Recorder and Basso ContinuoCorelliA Bcp & s$15.99image
OFB 121La FoliaCorelliA Bcp & s$16.95image
DOL 220Two Sonatas, (Ahn.24, Ahn. 35)CorelliA Bcp & s$10.00image
ST 11699Le Rossignol en amourCouperinSn(A) Bcp & s$7.95image
52403396Premier ConcertCouperinS(T) Bcp & s$16.50image
52404855Troisieme ConcertCouperin (Sanvoisin)S (T,V, O, F) Bcp & s$19.50image
WM808Sonatina in F for Recorder and HarpsichordCratonS Harpsichordp & s$14.95image
BP 459II Livre de Pieces, Sechs Suiten, Vol. I Suite 1-3Danican Philidor, A.A Bcp & s$24.00image
BP0460II Livre de Pieces, Sechs Suiten, Vol. II Suite 4-6Danican Philidor, A.A Bcp & s$24.00image
BP0406Sonate d-moll füf Altblockflöte und BcDanican Philidor, A.A Bcp & s$16.50image
PEL 2034Quatrieme SuitteDanican Philidor, P.A(O,V)Bcp & s$27.50image
PEL 2035Sixieme SuitteDanican Philidor, P.A(O,V)Bcp & s$20.00image
BP 798Suite in G durde la BarreS(FOV)Bcp & s$17.00image
N3434Drei Sonaten, Opus 2, Nr. I-IIIde LaVigneA(F,O,V)Bcp & s$24.00image
UE3807116 Miniatures for Soprano Recorder & Piano with CDDehnhardS Pfp & s CD$24.95image
MK 488/489Little Dance MovementsDelalandeS Bcs$6.00image
MK1089Tanze, Book IDelalandeS Bcp & s$28.00image
MK1090Tanze, Book IIDelalandeS Bcp & s$22.50image
MK1091Tanze, Book IIIDelalandeS Bcp & s$28.00image
N2636Lively Feathered FriendsDeppeS(F) Pfp & s$19.95image
BP0961Four Suites for Alto Recorder and Bc, Suites 1-4DieupartA Bcp & s$32.00image
MK1084Suite I in C majorDieupartA Bcp & s$17.00image
MK1085Suite II, Fa MaggioreDieupartA Bcp & s$18.00image
MK 1086Suite III, Re MaggioreDieupartA Bcp & s$16.00image
MK1087Suite IV in g minorDieupartA Bcp & s$16.00image
PEL 854Suite V in F MajorDieupartS(V) Bcp & s$18.00image
BP 962Two Suites for Soprano Recorder and Bc, Suites 5-6DieupartS Bcp & s$22.00image
UE 19932Six Sonatas from Opus 5, Vol. I (Nos. 1-2)DieupartA Bcp & s$23.95image
UE 19933Six Sonatas from Opus 5, Vol. ll (Nos. 3-4)DieupartA Bcp & s$23.95image
UE 19934Six Sonatas from Opus 5, Vol. III (Nos 5-6)DieupartA Bcp & s$22.95image
FDC30Six Sonatas for Recorder, Volume One Sonatas I-IIIDieupart (Elcombe)A Bcp & s$15.00image
FDC31Six Sonatas for Recorder, Volume Two Sonatas IV-VIDieupart (Elcombe)A Bcp & s$15.00image
OFB 166Suite 3 in g minorDornelA Bc$22.99image
DOL 141Twenty-One Pieces for Soprano and KeyboardDowlandS Pfp & s$12.00image
MK 698/699Two Diminutions, Frog Galliard, CouranteDowland, van EyckSL(G,H)s$8.50image
OFB 132Sonate F MajorEcclesA(V) Bcp & s$14.95image
MK 796MarionettenEhrichtA Pfp & s$7.00image
MK1524Wonders are scarce (modern technique)EismaA Pfp & s$16.00image
ED12591Fun and Games with the Recorder, Tune Book 1, with Acc.Engel, Heyens, Hunteler, LindeS Pfp & s$11.99image
ED12593Fun and Games with the Recorder, Tune Book 2, with Acc.Engel, Heyens, Hunteler, LindeS Pfp & s$11.99image
LMP 66Arm in Arm mit dir Waltzes (opus 30)FahrbachA Pfp & s$8.50image
MK1528Six Bagatellen (modern technique)FebelA Pfs$10.00image
MK 298Eight Dance MelodiesFegersS (A) Pfs$2.50image
LMP 222Divisions on Two GroundsFingerA Bc2 s$10.95image
BP0328Zehn Sonaten für Altblockflöte und Basso continuo, op. 3/1-5FingerA Bcp & s$24.00image
BP 329Zehn Sonaten für Altblockflöte und Basso continuo, op. 3/6-10FingerA Bcp & s$32.00image
OFB 97Fünf leichte Suiten aus dem BarockFischerA Bcp & s$15.95image
DOL 227Sonata SecondaFontanaS(T) Bcp & s$6.00image
FFD10Thirteen Ways of Looking at a BlackbirdForshawA Pfp & s$17.00image
MK2212Pinocchio SwingFortinT(S) Pfp & s$12.00image
FEA065Taiwanesische SonatineFortinA Pfp & s$18.50image
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