Honeysuckle Music Logo


Viewing 101 to 200 of 1086 items found   Next page   Previous page
Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
IRCS 11Three Ricercars in Four Parts from Liver secundus sacrarum cantionumAichingerSATB (TrTTB)p & s$10.50image
N3776Concerto F-DurAlbinoniAAAT(B)p & s$29.75image
RCE 22Enigmas, Canons, FuguesAlbrechtsbergerSATBs$5.95image
LPM 556Da Jacob das Kleid AnsaheAlder4vo, 4i6p & s$6.00image
LPM EML 2414 DancesAmmerbachSATB4s$6.50image
LMP 37Passamezzo AnticoAmmerbachS(A)A(T)TBp & s$3.95image
PP 64The Boxwood BounceAndresenSATBp & s$11.00image
LPM EML 1162 GagiardeAnerio4i4s$5.00image
LPM AN 2Four Instrumental PiecesAnonATTB(TrTTB)p & s$12.00image
LMP 178Salve Sancta Parens from Worcester FragmentsAnon (Loux)SATB (vo)p & s$4.50image
LPM EML 2962 Canzoni da sonarAnonymousSSAT4s$6.50image
LPM EML 2292 VillotteAnonymous4i(4vo)4s$5.00image
LPM EML 1804 Scottish SongsAnonymous4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 2175 Anonymous Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anonymous4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 1576 Dances from the Court of Henry VIIIAnonymousSATB4s$6.00image
LPM EML 267Assumpta est MariaAnonymous4-5i4s$7.00image
PP 8Bass Viol BleuAnonymousATTBp & s$10.50image
PP 29Mon AmiAnonymousSATBp & s$4.75image
LPM EML 373O Venus bantAnonymousS(A)AAB4s$6.00image
N2593Estampie from the Robertsbridge CodexAnonymous (Goethem)SATB or ATBp & s$26.00image
LPM TM 30Five CanzoniAntegnati4i4s$11.00image
LPM EML 2062 Early In Nomine SettingsAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3202 Fantasias from the Caioni CodexAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3442 Motets from the Rusoni CodexAnthologyATTB4s$6.00image
LPM EML 1332 Popular Italian Songs c. 1500Anthology4i(4vo)4s$5.00image
LPM RB 820 Tenorlieder of the early sixteenth centuryAnthologyATTB(4vo)s$9.75image
LPM EML 1034 Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anthology4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3015 Italian Dances from keyboard collectionsAnthology4i4s$5.00image
LPM EML 3097 Venetian Dances of the early 16th centuryAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3617 Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anthology4i(4vo)4s$9.00image
LPM EML 2428 Neapolitan DancesAnthologySATB4s$7.50image
LPM EML 336Da pacem, 5 settingsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$9.50image
LPM TM 31Five Italian RicercarsAnthologyATTB4s$10.75image
LPM TM 6Five QuodlibetsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$11.00image
AP 131Flapper DaysAnthologyAATBp & s$7.95image
LPM EML 378Fors seulementAnthology4i(ATTB)4s$7.50image
HARA 159Four Short Tudor Anthems by Tye, Ford, Tallis, MuddAnthologySATBp & s$10.50image
LPM EML 312Ich stund an einem MorgenAnthology4i(4vo)4s$7.50image
LPM DM 1Italian Dances of the Early Sixteenth Century, Vol.1Anthology4i(4V)s$9.50image
LPM EML 269Je suis d'Alemagne/ Je suis trop jeunetteAnthology3-4vo(3-4i)4s$5.75image
LPM EML 181L'homme arme (4 settings)Anthology4i4s$6.00image
UE 17135Quartets for Recorders for BeginnersAnthology4is$22.00image
UE 17118Quartets for Recorders, Volume I, Vocal music of the Renaissance, easy-mediumAnthology4is$23.95image
UE17119Quartets for Recorders, Volume II, Instrumental music of the Renaissance, mediumAnthology4is$24.95image
UE 17120Quartets for Recorders, Volume III, Dance music of the Renaissance, easy-mediumAnthology4is$26.95image
UE 17121Quartets for Recorders, Volume IV, Famous pieces from the Baroque,easy-difficultAnthology4is$26.95image
LPM TM 7Seven Comical ChansonsAnthology4i(4vo)2s$12.00image
LPM RB 2Seven Double CanonsAnthology4vo, 4is$8.50image
LPM TM 56Six Comical ChansonsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$10.75image
ETF2099Batalha de 6. TomAraujo (Vissing)SATBp & s$18.00image
LPM MA 18 Madrigals for 4 voices or instrumentsArcadeltATTB 4vos$8.75image
AP 039Voi ve N'andate al CieloArcadelt (Davis)AATBp & s$7.95image
OFB 10088 Chansons (1533)Attaingnant4i(4vo)s$17.95image
LPM AD 2Second Livre de DanceriesAttaingnantSATB(4i)s$13.25image
MK 749/750Music for four recorders in three movementsAuderschSATBp & s$10.00image
AP 036A Totally Different RagAufderheideS(Sn)STBp & s$7.95image
AP 049Dusty RagAufderheideSnATBp & s$7.95image
AP 035The Richmond RagAufderheideSnSTBp & s$7.95image
AP 186The Thriller RagAufterheideSATBp & s$7.95image
MK 753/754hanky-pankyAutenriethSATB4s$10.00image
TR 63Fur PersonsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$7.25image
TR 48Gifts and CelebrationsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$8.95image
AWP0098In Memoriam, David Goldstein, Margariet Tindemans, Charles NagelAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$10.12image
AWP0060Miniatures for MarthaAytonSATB(TrTrTB)p & s$8.80image
TR 92Of Time and RemembranceAytonSATB (TrTrTB)p & s$12.00image
TR100Prelude and Fugue in a minorAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$7.50image
AWP0074Salish Sea Images for recorders or violsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$10.50image
AWP0061Settings of Traditional Jewish MelodiesAytonSATB(TrTrTB)p & s$8.50image
TR 74Sonatine a 4 AytonSATB (TrTTB/ TrTRTB)p & s$6.00image
AWP0090Two Hanukah SettingsAytonSATB (TrTTB)6p & s$11.25image
TR 86Two Meditations, For All Things Green, Anam CaraAytonSATB/TrTrTBp & s$9.00image
LPM TM 57Five VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)s$4.50image
LPM TM 50Six VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)4s$10.75image
LPM TM 50ASix VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)s$4.50image
PP 35Sinfonia No. 3Bach, J. C.AATBp & s$6.50image
HARA 30Fugue in F MajorBach, J. C. F.SATBp & s$10.50image
DOL 309AllabreveBach, J. S.SATBp & s$8.50image
PP 46Allegro, from Brandenburg Concerto No. 3Bach, J. S.AAABp & s$14.00image
AVP 45Aria from Cantata 164, Nur durch Lieb und durch ErbarmenBach, J. S.ATBBp & s$19.00image
PP 6Aria from Suite in D MajorBach, J. S.ATBBp & s$10.00image
PP 116Badinerie from Orchestral Suite in B minorBach, J. S.SAABp & s$4.50image
PP 10CanonBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.00image
PP 13Contrapunctus IX, from The Art of the FugueBach, J. S.SATBp & s$7.25image
PP 18Es woll' uns Gott genadig seinBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.50image
DOL 308Fuga Alla Breve e StaccatoBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.75image
PP 20Fuga I, from The Well-Tempered Clavier vol. IBach, J. S.SATBp & s$10.00image
PP 21Fuga V, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IBach, J. S.SATBp & s$12.50image
PP 22Fuga V, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IIBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.50image
PP 48Fuga VII, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IIBach, J. S.SAABp & s$9.00image
PP 23Fuge uber ein Thema von LegrenziBach, J. S.SATBp & s$14.25image
PP024Fugue in G minorBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.00image
N3868Suite aus der III OrchestersuiteBach, J. S.ATTBp & s$25.00image
MK 626/627Three FuguesBach, J. S. SATB (TrTrTB)s$7.75image
PBE 33Two AirsBach, J. S.AATBp & s$9.50image
N2590Fuga in a BWV 543Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$22.50image
MK 160Two Fugues, BWV 560, 554Bach, J. S.SATBs$5.00image
PDL 05Three Fantasias, BWV 570, 563, 735Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$15.00image
PDL 04Three Fugues, BWV 578, 574, 575Bach, J. S. SATBp & s$15.00image
N2596Concerto in C BWV 595, Fuga in C BWV 545Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$21.00image
N4661Tanzsätze aus der Suite Nr. 2 BWV 1067Bach, J. S.AATBp & s$15.00image
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