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Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
P 643Three English Christmas Carols, I saw 3 Ships, For this is Christmas, Sans Day(Hall)SATBp & s$8.50image
P 510Three European Carols, Angel Tidings, Garbriel's Message, Quando Nascette Nino(Hall)SATBp & s$13.50image
P667Three French Christmas Carols, Bethlehem, Let us rejoice, Patapan(Hall)SATBp & s$10.00image
P451Three Polish Carols(Hall)SATBp & s$12.00image
HARA 167Three South American Carols(Hall)SATp & s$11.50image
P 357Three Spanish Carols(Hall)SATBp & s$10.50image
P 550Wassail!, 3 carols(Hall)SATBp & s$10.50image
ST 6697Merry Christmas(Haus)SS(A)(G,vo)s$12.95image
MK 414Christmas Music from Former Times, Rathgeber, Hammerschmidt, Zachow(Hechler)S Pf (SAB)s$5.00image
N3813Weihnachten zu zweit (Heilig)AA(FF) G(Pf)p & s$14.50image
ED 4241Der Tag der ist so Freudenreich(Hessenberg)A Pfp & s$15.99image
SP 2337Seventeen Old Favorite Hymns(Hettrick)SATBs$3.95image
SP 2387Thirteen Great Hymns of the Eighteenth Century(Hettrick)SATBs$5.95image
N2005Hört ihr's klingen, Christmas Music(Hinkelbein)AAAs$15.00image
JE 3Away in a Manger, Third Tune(Jaques)SATBs$2.00image
DER 1034Christmas Carols for Recorder(Kasmets)S Pfp & s$18.95image
20978Solos for Soprano Recorder or Flute, Collection 2: Christmas Carols(Kimberling)S (F)s$14.99image
MTC 1533 Christmas Carols for One Octave Instruments(Kitts-Turner)3is$8.95image
UE 12624Christmas Carol Tunes(Knight)SSAT Pfp & s$8.95image
MK 824/825Six Jewish Holiday Songs(Koschig)SATBp & s$9.00image
N3191The Christmas Nightingale(Koschinsky)As$11.00image
N3032Weihnachtliche Musik, Murschhouser, Telemann, Vivaldi(Koschinsky)SSAs$11.00image
LCC 3PCarols for Recorders, parts(Koulman)SATBp$3.50image
LCC 3Carols for Recorders, score(Koulman)SATBs$5.25image
ST 4874Old Christmas Songs(Lechner/Ruhrmann)A Pfp & s$14.95image
JFS 1Jewish Festival Songs(Lepow)SATB (Pf)p & s$10.95image
HARA 4Two Christmas Pieces, Bach:In Dulce, Victoria:O Magnum(Lewin, A.)SSATTBp & s$13.00image
HARA 42Two French Carols, Il es ne, Noel Nouvelet(Lewin, A.)SATTBp & s$11.00image
HARA 112We Wish You a Merry Christmas(Lewin, A.)SAATBp & s$11.00image
HARA 109Christmas Villancicos(Lewin, G.)SATBp & s$14.95image
HAEE 6Mediaeval Christmas Carols in two parts(Lewin, G.)2vo(2i)s$14.50image
CVP 15AAll Things Bright and Beautiful or May Hill, quintet version(Lindvall)SnSATBp & s$5.00image
CVP 15All Things Bright and Beautiful or May Hill, trio version(Lindvall)STB3s$5.00image
CVP 11Amazing Grace(Lindvall)ATB3s$5.00image
CVP 26Angels, We have Heard on High and Go Tell it on the Mountain(Lindvall)S (A, T)2 sets$7.00image
CVP 27Away in a Manger, Love Came down at Christmas (Of the Father's Love begotten)(Lindvall)S (A, T)2 sets$7.00image
SP 2408Devotional Hymns for SAT recorders, 8 moderately easy arrangements(Lindvall)SATs$4.95image
CVP 21Go, Tell It on the Mountain(Lindvall)AAB3s$5.00image
CVP 23I Am so Glad/ Joy to the World(Lindvall)ATB3s$5.00image
CVP 03In Thee is Gladness for 5 parts(Lindvall)S(Sn)S(A)ATBp & s$5.00image
CVP 35Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley(Lindvall)A Pf, S Pf 4 s$5.00image
CVP 07Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now(Lindvall)SATB perc4s$5.00image
CVP 28Maria Walked amid the Thorns(Lindvall)T(A) Keyboardp & s$5.00image
CVP 22Noel Nouvelet(Lindvall)SAT3s$5.00image
CVP 38O Jesus, King most Wonderful! Early American Hymn Tune(Lindvall)SATBp & s$5.00image
CVP 34O Sacred Head, Now Wounded/ Pange Lingua(Lindvall)SATBp & s$5.00image
CVP 42Praise to the Lord, the Almighty(Lindvall)(Sn)SAT(T)B, percp & s$10.00image
CVP 20Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers(Lindvall)SATB percp & s$5.00image
CVP 48The King of Love My Shepherd Is (St. Columba)(Lindvall)A Pfp & s$7.00image
CVP 31There is a Balm in Gilead(Lindvall)SATTBp & s$5.00image
CVP 47We Praise You, O God, A Hymn of Thanksgiving(Lindvall)ATBp & s$5.00image
LTM 13Carol of the Birds(Loux & Phelps)SATTB, TrTrTTB, vo pfp & s$8.00image
LTM 11Noël De Sedan(Loux & Phelps)vo Pf, 5ip & s$8.00image
LTM 2The Sleep of the Infant Jesus(Loux & Phelps)SATTB, TrTrTTB, vo pfp & s$8.00image
LTM 12There was a Lovely Maiden(Loux & Phelps)SATTB, TrTrTTB, vo pfp & s$8.75image
LTM 1Marche des Rois ( March of the Kings) (Loux )voPf, 5 inp & s$8.00image
LCC 19A Songbag of French Carols, Il est né, Célébrons la Naissance, Venez bergers(Loux)vo 1-4i, Pf, percp & s$12.50image
LCC 23Abbots Bromley Tune, Staffordshire Deer Dance(Loux)SAA(T)TBp & s$7.00image
LCC 20Christmas Trios(Loux)3i vo percp & s$8.00image
LCC 21Good Tidings(Loux)vo Pf(4i)p & s$11.95image
LMP 144Medieval English Carols(Loux)3 vo, i3s$5.75image
LMP 225AWe Come unto the Lord(Loux)vo Pf/ SAATBp & s$22.00image
LCC 33What Strangers Are These(Loux)SnSATB, (vo Pf)p & s$10.00image
MK 259Six Polish Christmas Carols(Lutoslawski)SATs$5.50image
N3939The Christmas Duo, 97 tunes with texts(Lutz)SA(ST) s$22.00n/a
N4646The Christmas Trio for 3 Recorders, 70 Tunes(Lutz)SAT/SST/SAB/SSB/SAAs$21.00n/a
MK2020Uns kompt ein Schiff gefahren, 12 Christmas Songs(Medek)SATTs$10.00image
ST 10768Come and Adore Him(Meech)SATs$7.95image
PTYW105The York Waits Christmas Collection, English Christmas(Merryweather)2-5 v, 2-5 is$11.50image
PTYW101The York Waits Christmas Collection, Mediaeval and Renaissance Music(Merryweather)2-5 v, 2-5 is$8.50image
MK 439Christum wir Sollen Loben Schon, Tricinien der Renaissance zur Weihnachtszeit(Monkemeyer)SS(A)A(T)s$2.50image
MTC 99An International Christmas, 23 Carols from many countries(Moore)vo SATBs$12.60image
LCC 10Two European Carols, O Leave Your Sheep, On Christmas Night(Music)SATp & s$6.25image
TR 71Glorious Glorias, Gloria Movements by Palestrina, Hassler, Guerrero and Lasso(Nagel)SATB (trTnTnB)p & s$7.75image
LCC 4Ancient Carols(Neuberger)SATB s$6.50image
MR 154Christmas Tunes for Two (Ocarinas, Recorders, Crumhorns)(Neuberger)STs$3.95image
LCC 7More Ancient Carols(Neuberger)SATB percp & s$12.95image
PBE 438 Danish & Swedish Folk Hymns(Newman)SATB/ AATB4s$7.95image
MK2060Nine Pastoralen by old masters, Handel, Vivaldi, Locatelli, Giardini, and others(Ochs)2r Pf (G) Vdgp & s$24.50image
LCC 30Joseph Lieber (Resonet in Laudibus)(Oppenheimer)SATB vo, Pf5s$10.95image
330360Mazel Tov!, Music for a Jewish Wedding, Book and CD(Pasternak)V(vo,A,G)s CD$29.95image
HARA 92A Carol Suite for Large Recorder Ensemble(Pennick)SnSSAATTBBp & s$13.00image
SB1006Winds of Worship, Flute, 12 Hymn Arrangements for One or more wind players(Pethel)Fp CD$12.95image
LCC 2Carols for Krummhorns or Recorders(Phelps)SATB percs$5.25image
HCS 7Gloucestershire Wassail(Phelps)SAATB(VVVaCB)(vo Pf)p & s$6.75image
HCS 9Herefordshire Carol(Phelps)5i(5vo)p & s$6.75image
HNM 1How Sleeps This Little Child(Phelps)4i/voPfp & s$6.00image
HNM 2In the Middle of the Night(Phelps)5i/voPfp & s$6.75image
HCS 1Jolly Old St. Nicholas(Phelps)5ip & s$6.75image
HCS 5Masters in this Hall(Phelps)SAATB(VVVaCB)(vo Pf)p & s$6.75image
LCC 8More Carols for Krummhorns or Recorders(Phelps)SATB percp & s$12.95image
HNM 4O Sleep Tiny Child(Phelps)4i/voPfp & s$5.25image
LMP 151Thanksgiving Greetings (Suite of the Pilgrims) hymn arrangements(Phelps)SATB percp & s$29.95image
HCS 8The Boar's Head Carol(Phelps)SAATB(VVVaCB)(vo Pf)p & s$6.75image
HNM 3The Shepherds Were Watching by Night(Phelps)4i/voPfp & s$6.25image
HCS 11The Wexford Carol(Phelps)SAATB(VVVaCB)(vo Pf)p & s$7.25image
HNM 5There Was a Maid Above All Other(Phelps)5i/voPfp & s$6.75image
LMP 159Twelve Favorite Carols for voice (melody instrument) and keyboard, HCS series(Phelps)v (i) Pfs$8.00image
LCC 11Yuletide Favorites(Phelps)SATB percp & s$13.50image
O5135Christmas and Recorder, 60 Favorite Melodies including Lyrics and Chords(Pickow)Ss$6.95image
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