Item Number | Title | Composer | Instrumentation | Parts | Price | See It | Buy It |
08637724 | God Bless the U. S. A., 2-Part | Greenwood (Brymer) | 2vo Pf | s | $1.70 | n/a | |
ALLE | Alleluia | Guess-Hanson | saatb | s | $2.00 | n/a | |
PFP | Prayer for Peace | Guess-Hanson | satb | s | $1.50 | n/a | |
WTNS | What is our True Name We Sing? | Guess-Hanson | saatb | s | $2.00 | n/a | |
27.296.00 | Lighten mine eyes, Psalm 13 | Hansson | ssaattbb | s | $3.25 |  | |
9.934.00 | Missa da pacem, op. 68 | Hartl | satb | s | $5.50 |  | |
40.709.10 | Litaniae Lauretanae in G | Hasse | sasa Org | s | $6.50 |  | |
50.305.03 | Missa Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, vocal score | Haydn, M. | satbsatb Pf | s | $13.00 |  | |
7.393.00 | Veni | Johannsen, K. | satb satb satb Org | s | $5.50 |  | |
4.022.00 | Chorbuch Leonhard Lechner, Mein susse Freud auf Erden | Lechner | 4-5 vo | s | $17.75 |  | |
40.173.00 | Via Crucis, The 14 Stations of the Cross | Liszt | satb Org | s | $23.75 |  | |
P67574 | Messe de Nostre Dame | Machaut | attt | s | $11.95 |  | |
GM3209 | The Complete Five Voice Madrigals, Vol. IV: The Sixth and Seventh Books | Marenzio (Steele) | 5 vo | s | $22.00 |  | |
GM3210 | The Complete Five Voice Madrigals, Vol. V, the Eighth and Ninth Books | Marenzio (Stelle) | 5vo sattb | s | $22.00 |  | |
9.643.00 | Assumpta est Maria, Three Marian Motets II | Matsushita | ssaa | s | $1.50 |  | |
9.667.00 | De profundis clamavi | Matsushita | satb, bells | s | $1.50 |  | |
7.367.10 | Domine, fac me servum pacis tuae | Matsushita | satb satb | s | $1.50 |  | |
9.654.00 | Exsultate justi in Domino | Matsushita | satb | s | $1.50 |  | |
9.644.10 | Hodie beata Virgo Maria, Three Marian Motets III | Matsushita | satb | s | $1.75 |  | |
9.644.20 | Hodie beata Virgo Maria, Three Marian Motets III | Matsushita | ssaa | s | $1.75 |  | |
9.517.00 | Hodie Christus natus est | Matsushita | ssa | s | $1.00 |  | |
7.384.00 | Jubilate Deo | Matsushita | ssaattbb | s | $2.00 |  | |
9.642.00 | Ne timeas, Maria, Three Marian Motets I | Matsushita | ssaa | s | $2.00 |  | |
9.660.00 | Nunc dimittis | Matsushita | ssa ssa Pf | s | $2.00 |  | |
7.367.30 | O lux beata Trinitas | Matsushita | smatbb | s | $1.50 |  | |
7.367.40 | O salutaris hostia | Matsushita | satb | s | $1.00 |  | |
7.367.20 | Pater noster | Matsushita | satb | s | $1.25 |  | |
9.641.00 | Tenebrae factae sunt | Matsushita | 5-6 voices | s | $1.50 |  | |
9.661.00 | Tota pulchra es | Matsushita | ssa Pf | s | $2.00 |  | |
9.653.00 | Ubi caritas | Matsushita | satb | s | $1.00 |  | |
7.368.00 | Usquequo Domine, Psalm 13 | Matsushita | ssaattbb | s | $2.00 |  | |
9.662.00 | Veni Creator Spiritus | Matsushita | ssaa Pf | s | $2.00 |  | |
9.663.00 | Veni Sancte Spiritus | Matsushita | satb satb ssatb | s | $4.00 |  | |
MK2124 | 20 Polish Christmas Songs for Mixed choir, text in German | Medek | satb | s | $20.00 |  | |
9.659.00 | Memorare | Mezzalira | satb | s | $2.00 |  | |
7.516.00 | Dona nobis pacem | Michel | ssaa Org | s | $2.00 |  | |
7.517.00 | Lux aeterna | Michel | ssaa Org | s | $1.50 |  | |
06-267393 | Madrigals, Book VIII | Monteverdi | 3-8vo(3-8i) | s | $29.95 |  | |
04.024.00 | Madrigali e Motetti, 7 Madrigals, 8 Motets and 5 by Coppini | Monteverdi, Coppini | 4-6 vo | s | $50.00 |  | |
3.0320/ B345 | Invitation to Madrigals, Vol. 8 | Morley | 4-5i(4-5vo) | s | $14.00 |  | |
2.112.00 | Choral Collection | Mozart & Haydn | sab Pf | s | $23.00 |  | |
00-SV9215 | Ave Verum Corpus | Mozart (Leavitt) | 2vo Pf | s | $1.65 |  | |
9.524.00 | Ich wollt, meine Schmerzen ergossen sich | Mussorgskij (Gottwald) | ssmaa | s | $3.00 |  | |
9.146.00 | Zwei Lieder, Ich wollt meine Schmerzen ergossen sich and Serenade des Todes | Mussorgskij (Gottwald) | ssmaa smattbb | s | $6.25 |  | |
23.344.00 | Der 13. Psalm, Herr, vie lange willst du meiner so gar vergessen | Nicolai | ssaattbb satb Pf | s | $5.75 |  | |
7.701.00 | Fifteen Folksong settings | Nobis | sab | s | $9.75 |  | |
06-276317 | Masses and Motets | Palestrina | 4-6vo | s | $22.95 |  | |
MTC 122S | 14th century ballate for Tenor Voice and Instruments | Perugia (Sprenkle) | t i | p & s CD | $17.00 |  | |
8718012 | Five Anthems | Purcell (King) | ssatb | s | $3.95 |  | |
23.014.00 | All-Night Vigil, op. 37 | Rachmaninow | sssaattbb | s | $50.50 |  | |
23.013.00 | Chrysostomos-Liturgie, Op. 31, full score | Rachmaninow | satb satb (Pf) | s | $59.00 |  | |
9.933.00 | Gloria (2012) | Ramroth | ssatb | s | $4.50 |  | |
PF 227 | Deuteromelia: or The Second part of Musicks melodie | Ravenscroft | 3-4vo | s | $17.50 |  | |
PF 228 | Melismata Musicall Phansies | Ravenscroft | 3-5vo | s | $17.50 |  | |
PF 226 | Pammelia, Musicks Miscellanie, Rounds and Catches | Ravenscroft | 3-10vo(3-10i) | s | $17.50 |  | |
VC077C | Melismata, Musicall Phansies to 3, 4, and 5. Voyces | Ravenscroft (Gold) | 3-5 vo (I) | p & s | $28.00 |  | |
91.271.00 | II Requiem, Op. 45 | Renner, Jos. | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
50.265.00 | Geistliche Chormusic, Sacred Music | Rheinberger | satb Org | s | $12.75 |  | |
40.833.00 | Requiem, Full score | Rinck | ttbb Org | s | $29.00 |  | |
PTYW 23 | 3 Songs by one of the London Waits | Savile | 3-4 vo | 4s | $11.50 |  | |
EBA6056 | Messa a 5 in IV. Tono Soli, Chor und Basso continuo | Scarlatti, A. | ssatb Bc | s | $39.50 |  | |
40.477.00 | Te Deum á 8, Hymnus Ambrosianus | Scarlatti, D. | satb +satb Organ | s | $4.00 |  | |
7.391.00 | Missa romana, Latin Mass in Jazz | Schafer | satb (O) | s | $6.50 |  | |
27.065.00 | Agnus Dei aus der Missa in Jazz | Schindler | satb | s | $3.50 |  | |
28.104.50 | Hezekiah, Part 2 full score | Schonherr | satb orchestra | s | $117.00 |  | |
28.104.53 | Hezekiah, Vocal score | Schonherr | satb Pf B | s | $33.00 |  | |
27.208.03 | Magnificat, The Groovy Version of OX, vocal score | Schonherr | satb Pf | s | $19.25 |  | |
00-11357 | Snow is Falling, two part voices | Schram | 2vo Pf | s | $1.65 | n/a | |
9.126.10 | Four Songs, Nacht und Traume, Rastlose Liebe, An den Mond, Am Tage Allerseelen | Schubert (Gottwald) | 5-6 voices | s | $5.00 |  | |
9.658.20 | Apres une journee, Les Quatrains Valaisans II | Schuerch | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
9.658.10 | O bonheur de l'ete, Les Quatrains Valaisans I | Schuerch | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
9.668.00 | O magnum mysterium | Schuerch | satb | s | $3.25 |  | |
9.669.00 | O sacrum convivium | Schuerch | satb satb | s | $4.00 |  | |
9.658.40 | Quel calme nocturne, Les Quatrains Valaisans IV | Schuerch | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
12.351.00 | The Ssssnake Hotel | Schuerch | ssa Pf | s | $7.00 |  | |
9.658.30 | Vois-tu, la-haut, Les Quatrains Valaisans III | Schuerch | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
9.658.50 | Chemin qui tourne, Les Quatrains Valaisans V | Schurch | satb | s | $3.75 |  | |
10.804.00 | Missa brevis | Schurch | satb, TptHTbnTubaOrg | s | $35.75 |  | |
00-SVM05042 | The Star-Spangled Banner | Smith (Robinson) | 2vo Pf | s | $1.60 |  | |
9780193534124 | Spem in Alium | Tallis | 8(satbb) | s | $30.95 |  | |
27.031.00 | Messa | Valtinoni | 2 vo Org | s | $5.50 |  | |
2.652.00 | Grand Operachoir, 12 opera choruses for choir and piano | Verdi | satb, Pf | s | $43.00 |  | |
4.109.00 | Shorter Sacred Works, Vol. 15 of Vierne Complete edition | Vierne | st satb Org | s | $30.00 |  | |
2.651.00 | Grand Operachoir, 8 opera choruses for choir and piano | Wagner | satb, Pf | s | $35.75 |  | |
7.386.60 | Epilog. Deum time | Waldenby | ssaattbb C | s | $3.00 |  | |
7.386.20 | Et haec non vanitas est | Waldenby | saattbb | s | $3.00 |  | |
7.386.50 | Memento Creatoris tui | Waldenby | satb | s | $3.50 |  | |
7.386.30 | Omnia tempus habent | Waldenby | ssaattbb C | s | $6.50 |  | |
7.386.10 | Verba Ecclesiastes | Waldenby | saattb | s | $5.00 |  | |
BA 4397 | Four Sacred Choral Pieces | Walter, J. | 4-6vo | s | $13.50 |  | |
C032829 | Mitten wir im Leben sind | Walther, Johann | satb | s | $2.50 | n/a | |
9.115.00 | Four Early Songs, Tief von fern, Heiter, Der Tod, Sommeraben | Webern (Gottwald) | 4-16 voices | s | $7.25 |  | |
3.0321 | Invitation to Madrigals, Book 9 | Weelkes | ssatb | s | $11.00 |  | |
3.1205 | Invitation to Madrigals, Book 10 | Wilbye | 3-6vo | s | $11.75 |  | |
3.0491/ B491 | Invitation to the Partsong 3, Shakespeare Settings | (Bush and Hurd) | 4-5 vo | s | $13.00 |  | Out of stock |
3.3264/ B642 | Invitation to the Partsong 4, Glees and Madrigals | (Bush and Hurd) | satb | s | $12.00 |  | Out of stock |
B334 | Invitation to the Partsong 6, Ayres for satb by Dowland | (Bush and Hurd) | satb | s | $16.00 |  | Out of stock |
1.5138/ B165 | Invitation to the Partsong I, Rounds and Catches | (Bush and Hurd) | 3-5 vo | s | $9.85 |  | Out of stock |
1.5106 | Invitation to Madrigals, Book 1 | (Dart) | sab | s | $9.95 |  | Out of stock |
1.5088 | Invitation to Madrigals, Book 2 | (Dart) | satb | s | $10.45 |  | Out of stock |