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Viewing 101 to 140 of 140 items found   Previous page
Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
EBA1228The Dancing Master, II Cooking & Gardening, 25 MelodienPlayford & AlteraS(O,F,V) Bcp & s$24.50image
EBA1229The Dancing Master, III Dames & Dances, 25 MelodienPlayford & AlteraS(O,F,V) Bcp & s$24.50image
12-0571507239The Complete Country Dance TunesPlayford (Barlow)V(F,S,A,T)s$25.99image
CMP 43941 Trios for winds or stringsPlayford (Gammie)3i VV(Va)C TrTr(T)B4p & s$21.00image
LPM 111200 Playford Dance Tunes with chord symbols, with CD RomPlayford (Thomas)i Gs CD-Rom$13.50image
LMP 219Catches, Vol. I, 7 tunesPurcell3vo, 3i3 s$10.50image
LMP 220Catches, Vol. IIPurcell3 vo, 3 i3 s$10.50image
LMP 221Catches, Vol. III, For 3 and 4 VoicesPurcell4 vo, 4 i4 s$10.95image
M051670376Purcell Collection for Recorder ConsortPurcell1-4is$19.95image
MK1525Arrangements (modern techniques)Serocki1-4 rp$20.00image
ED10752Descants in ConsortSimpsonSSSSs$6.99image
P300Who Gave Thee Thy Jolly Red Nose, Tunes from the Taverns, Streets and TheatresSkeaping and Skeaping1-4 rec vop & s$22.00image
AO103Caedmon Capers, a collection of country dancesUptonis$8.95image
MCEACDMinuets Cotillions and Early American Country Dances(Barron)V(S)V(A)C(B)s$15.00imageOut of stock
CMSILThe Courtliness of the Minuet Step in Irish Lamentation(Barron)3is$20.00imageOut of stock
WEEDLVThe Weeds of Love, English and American Folk Songs(Barron)3i, VVCs$20.00imageOut of stock
MVB102Traditionelle Musik aus Nepal(Bornmann)S(A,T)s$18.00imageOut of stock
BB 1The Baroque Book for Two Treble Instruments(Feldman & Barron)VV, SAs$14.00imageOut of stock
BB 2The Baroque Book for Two Treble Instruments, Book 2(Feldman & Barron)2is$14.00imageOut of stock
BE 1The Baroque Ensemble Book 1(Feldman)3-4is$12.00imageOut of stock
BE 2The Baroque Ensemble Book 2(Feldman)2-5is$14.00imageOut of stock
A168Reels & Rants, Flings & Fancies(Kennedy)V(F,S)s$12.95imageOut of stock
HAEE 2Medieval Dance Collection(Lewin, G.)is$22.00imageOut of stock
97752The Spring Garden, County Dance Master(O'Scannell)2-4is$19.99imageOut of stock
95540Klezmer Collection for C Instruments(Phillips)V(F,S,A,T)s$29.99imageOut of stock
93436Baroque Recorder Music, Archive Editions(Zeidler)1-4 recs$4.95imageOut of stock
93435Recorder Book of Medieval and Renaissance Music(Zeidler)S(A)s$7.95imageOut of stock
RE 934Pipeaux 1934, Mélodies Milhaud, Roussel, Ibert, Auric, Poulenc, Ferroud,MartelliAnthologyS Pf,A Pf,SATB,SSPfs$29.00n/aOut of stock
ABRSM6020Music Medals Copper Ensemble PiecesAnthology (ABRSM)2-3 SSS(T)s$9.95imageOut of stock
ABRSM6039Music Medals Bronze Ensemble PiecesAnthology (ABRSM)2-3 SSA(T)s$9.25imageOut of stock
ABRSM6047Music Medals Silver Ensemble PiecesAnthology (ABRSM)2-4 SSA(T)s$10.50imageOut of stock
DO4 442Happy Beginner IFortinSSS Pfp & s$24.00imageOut of stock
RL16360La FontegaraGanassiis$28.95imageOut of stock
RL16370Opera IntitulataGanassii vos$42.00imageOut of stock
P142An Introduction to Fontegara and the Art of DivisionsGanassi (Murphy)is$16.50imageOut of stock
E1801Thirty-five Compositioins by King Henry VIII, Complete secular worksHenry VIII (Stevens)3 vo, 3 is$11.50imageOut of stock
CMP 413English Translation of the text of Tratado de Glosas 1553Ortiz$5.50imageOut of stock
BVK1594Trattado de glosos sobre clausulas (2003) Translations, viol partOrtizVdgVp & s$75.00imageOut of stock
05715074845 English Consort Pieces for recorders in 5, 6, and 7 partsPurcell, Byrd, LawsSSAATTBBp & s$25.00imageOut of stock
RGS 1First Taste of Telemann arranged for SS with optional A/T and GTelemann (Reichenthal)SS (A/T, G)p & s$4.00imageOut of stock
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